Saturday 19 July 2014

Bird Photography Tips for Beginners

The colour and texture of birds’ plumage makes them fascinating subjects for photography, made all the more exciting by their fleeting and elusive nature. With a lot of patience and practice, and the help of these tips, you’ll soon be on your way to making memorable photographs of...
Read the full course here, Supported by Online Photography Classes

Friday 18 July 2014

Weekly Photography Challenge – Highways and Byways

Earlier today I shared a collection of images of paths and roadways. Leading lines are a great compositional element, and paths and roads are a great way to incorporate them into your images.
More info on using leading lines:

How to Use Leading Lines for Better Compositions
How to Use...
Read the full course here, Supported by Online Photography Classes

A Collection of Pathway and Roadway Photos to Lead You

As I’ve been on the road for a couple weeks now I’ve seen more than a share of roads recently. So I thought I’d find some pathway and roadway photos to lead you on – hopefully to get out and do some of your own photography.
Enjoy the journey down these highways and...
Read the full course here, Supported by Online Photography Classes

Thursday 17 July 2014

6 Tips to Take Your Architecture Photography to the Next Level

Architectural photography may seem like an incredibly boring subject, but there is lots of creativity involved with shooting buildings, not to mention it’s a rather lucrative way to make a side income as a photographer. However, the rules of photographing a building versus a person are...
Read the full course here, Supported by Online Photography Classes

How to Create Amazing Reflection Photos using Puddles

People are captivated by reflections, and photographers eagerly seek out still bodies of water in order to capture stunning reflection shots. But a perfect reflection may be closer than you think, especially if it has just been raining.

Puddle reflection

Photographing puddle...
Read the full course here, Supported by Online Photography Classes

Wednesday 16 July 2014

5 Ways to Create Better Images Without Buying More Gear

You are a photographer. You love getting out there and doing your best to create great images. Photographers also love something else. Camera equipment. Sometimes you may find that you spend more time searching for a new lens, filter or accessory than actually photographing with it. When you...
Read the full course here, Supported by Online Photography Classes

Using Composition to Create More Powerful Portraits

As part of my series on portrait photography, in this article, I will discuss composition, one of the most important aspects of creating a good portrait image.

Are there any laws regarding framing a portrait?
Can I leave hands, fingers, or part of the head out of the frame?
Does a portrait...
Read the full course here, Supported by Online Photography Classes